blueyes illustrations

mercredi, août 26, 2015

IF: People

mardi, mars 13, 2007

J'espère que ça va passer à Infoman!

mardi, septembre 26, 2006


Hey guys, its incredible!
you have to see that!
this guy have made masterpieces on his dirty car.
i took the link in Bam's website (Bigcatheads)

vendredi, septembre 01, 2006

IF: Safe

My ferret safe in her dreams

jeudi, août 17, 2006

My little sista...pretty princess

jeudi, août 10, 2006

My Space!

Hi guys!
(if someone read this blog)

i created a myspace webpage
for those who dont know, im a musician and im looking for other friendly musicians to start my band called Innervoice.
i put some songs on it

so enjoy and feel free to comment, i will really appreciate

lundi, août 07, 2006

Who would be better for presidency?

mercredi, août 02, 2006

Santa on vacation

Here he is!
Its not what we expected really

samedi, juillet 29, 2006

IF: Clean

vendredi, juillet 28, 2006

Fuck Wallmart!!!!

You can see next to me there was a store
Only the foundations are seen

They destroy nature
They moved stores and boutiques
They paid the maire
They crush everybody which are on their way
They don't care about us
They only worry to sell their shit and to exploit children
Fuck you Wallmart, Fuck you!!! ...
...And don't forget NOT to plant other trees damn fools!

samedi, juillet 22, 2006

IF: Opposites #1

IF: Opposites #2

IF: Opposites #3

samedi, juillet 15, 2006

IF: Sacrifice...inspired by Lost

...When the boat can't contain more than 2 persons... :(
-Goodbye, hope we'll see some day-

mercredi, juillet 05, 2006


What a wonderfull day
everythings fine

samedi, juillet 01, 2006

IF: Sticky

mardi, juin 20, 2006

Illustration Friday: Dance

vendredi, juin 02, 2006

Illustration Friday: Portrait 2

Modigliani Power! favorit painter.

Illustration Friday: Portrait

Me upset about my compu-slave boyfriend (take in 2000)....
Now the roles have changed!
Im the compu-slave

vendredi, mai 26, 2006

Illustration Friday: Cake

mardi, mai 23, 2006

Illustration Friday: Sorry

-Did you see my perfect swing?
-Oupss, sorry.

Illustration Friday: Under the sea

Illustration Friday: Spotted

You know what i mean girls?